Saturday, December 31, 2011

12/29 to 12/31 | Writing, Studying, and a Happy New Year to Everyone!

For me, the past few days have been filled with one single activity: writing.  For some 72 hours, I have been writing my Foreign Policy of Israel paper on "Modern Diplomacy, Ancient Societies: Analyzing the Relationship between the People’s Republic of China and the State of Israel."  As of a few minutes ago, however, I can officially announce that I am finished and it is ready to be handed in.  This is how my checklist looks now:

  • Finish my paper on "Business Ethics within the Israeli Diamond Industry." 
  • Start and finish my paper on "Modern Diplomacy, Ancient Societies: Analyzing the Relationship between the People’s Republic of China and the State of Israel." 
  • Take the second part of my Hebrew final exam. 
  • Take my Foreign Policy of Israel final exam. 
  • Take my Archaeology of Israel final exam. 
  • Visit my family in Ramat Gan. 
  • Shop for souvenirs. 
  • Say goodbye to everyone!

    All I have left is to study for and take two exams. That means the next three days will be miserable; however, I am fortunate because when everything is finished, I will still have all of Wednesday and Thursday (I leave for the airport at 8:00 at night on Thursday) to do whatever I choose. Right now, I am deciding between two activities for Wednesday: either staying in Jerusalem and spending the entire day wandering the Old City or taking a trip to Beersheva and visiting the Israeli Air Force Museum.  My plan is to pack everything on Tuesday night after my last exam in order to keep the rest of my time here completely free.

    On a different note, tonight marks the beginning of a new year: 2012.  I cannot believe that 2011 is already over.  One year ago today, I was flying back to the United States from Ukraine on AeroSvit Airlines.  As the clock struck 12:00, I was sleeping in my father's car as we drove back to Maryland.  Look where I am now!  Back to square one in Israel, where we celebrated the new year--Rosh Hashanah 5772--back in September.  It is a little sad being away from home for New Year's Eve for the second year in a row, but I know that this time next week I will be back at home and that makes it all better.  A good and sweet new year--shanah tovah u'metukah--to everyone!

    The sound of the shofar is used to ring in the new year in Judaism.


    2011 Retrospective

    A month-by-month look at the events that defined my year.

    January: Returning from Birthright Israel.  Beginning a new semester at American University.  Starting an internship at the Anti-Defamation League.

    February: Going to Relay for Life Kickoff.  Attending SigEp Carlson Leadership Academy.

    March: Participating in SigEp History Quest II.  Going to the Colleges Against Cancer club event.

    April: Participating in Relay for Life.  Going to SigEp retreat.  Getting accepted to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for the fall semester.  Partying at SigEp semi-formal.

    May: Starting employment at Target.  Starting an internship at NCSJ.

    June: Marching in the Celebrate Israel Parade.

    July: Touring the White House.  Visiting the Pinnes family.  Learning at AIPAC Saban Summer Leadership Seminar.  Attending a Nationals baseball game with NCSJ.

    August: Finishing employment at Target.  Fearing Hurricane Irene.  Beginning study abroad at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

    September: Starting and finishing ulpan.  Losing a great man, my uncle Steve Levy.  Visiting my Israeli family.

    October: Having an adventure in Eilat.  Meeting fellow descendants of the people who lived in my grandfather's village.  Going to an Idan Raichel Project concert.

    November: Having adventures in Bethlehem, Ein Gedi, and Eilat.  Going to a shabbaton in Arad.  Listening to my grandmother's testimonial at Yad Vashem.

    December: Having an adventure in the Galilee.  Hosting my cousin Scott Berman.  Visiting my Israeli family again.

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